" I Have A Dream To Chase The Northern Lights.. "

 Acrylic Painting - Senior Citizen Art workshop

Acrylic Painting by Artist Kalamrukh. *This is for reference. The workshop image is different.


Breath-taking natural wonder Northern Lights, also known as Aurora Borealis, are colourful and bright dancing lights that are seen in the night sky near artic circle. Create an intriguing visual representation of the Aurora Borealis - flowing motion of the lights using tones of vibrant blue, green, purple and turquoise with silhouette of evergreen pine trees, starry night sky, lake and snowy landscape !

Northern Lights - Winter Landscape Painting in Acrylic

We are pleased to announce Northern Lights in Acrylic, a course of 2 classes, in which under the guidance of an expert artist, you will create a stunning painting of colorful Aurora Borealis in wintery snowy landscape.

Date: 12 - 13 June, 2021 (Sat - Sun)

Time: 4:00 - 6:00 PM

Fee (2 Class): Rs. 1100

Online Platform: Zoom

You will learn
1. How to paint and blend the wavy pattern of dancing lights in the sky.
2. Paint night sky with stars in layered approach and color blending techniques.
3. Create contrast between dark night sky and white snowy landscape.
4. Paint silhouette of ever green trees with snow .
5. Composition, color mixing and light-shading techniques.
6. Make a magical northern lights paintings that you will be proud to hang on the wall.

* Class is suitable for beginners as well as one with painting experiences.

* Fee is inclusive of taxes.

* Seats are limited to maintain small-group of participants to ensure personal attention from the trainer. Please book in advance.

Materials Required

- 10 X 12 Size white thick art paper for acrylic painting (300+ GSM preferred). You can also use 10 X 12 inch size Canvas or canvas pad.

- Acrylic Colors - Artist quality acrylic in tube.

- Optional - Neon color tubes of any brand

- Flat brush- size 8 OR 10 and round brush- 0, 2 AND 4 size, Color palette/big plate, 2 mug Water.

- Pencil, scale, erasers.

- Waste Cloth, tissue paper for cleaning.

- 2 or 3 extra plain paper for practice.

About The Artist:

Kamalrukh is a Chartered Accountant by qualification but has shifted her professional as a full-time artist. She has studied art courses from Sir J. J. School of Art and done art exhibitions at different galleries. Kamalrukh loves teaching her art to painting enthusiastic and have trained many for last 7 years. She is equally expert in various mediums like acrylic, oil painting and watercolor.